Microsoft has learned a lot from Windows Mobile, and is dead set on not repeating history. Chief among those things is that differing experiences on every device running supposedly the same operating system results in chaos and confusion. 

The result is that manufacturers making WP7 devices will differentiate their products in ways other than carrier skins. The HTC Surround is perhaps the best example of a manufacturer trying something different, placing a huge emphasis on sound. Given how much inspiration WP7 draws from Zune, it isn’t surprising. Like anything of course, the result is a trade-off; the Surround is thicker and heavier than the Samsung Focus, but doesn’t come with a keyboard like the LG Quantum. 

On the other hand, WiFi and 3G web browsing battery life on the Surround narrowly edges out the Focus.


The combination of kickstand and loud slide-out speaker makes the Surround an excellent alarm clock (it’s seriously loud), movie watching platform, or a relatively loud portable stereo. With the notable exception of speakerphone volume, the Surround by far sounds the best out of the devices I've encountered in the smartphone form factor to date. It's pretty simple actually, if music playback is your thing, and you want a WP7 phone, get the Surround. Combined with the excellent Zune Pass as Anand notes, it’s difficult to argue this isn’t the best device around for enjoying music - if only we had landscape support.

Performance and Battery Life
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  • KayDat - Saturday, November 13, 2010 - link

    Would have been interesting if HTC could implement a keyboard/speaker combo. Slide one way for speaker, other way for keyboard. That way, you wouldn't add thickness just for speakers.
  • bpt8056 - Saturday, November 13, 2010 - link

    I like your idea about the speaker/keyboard combo. In addition to that, better landscape support would make this phone a much more competing product.
  • vol7ron - Sunday, November 14, 2010 - link

    I love the fact that speakers/sound quality are now being considered by manufacturers. I wish the kickstand was on it, so the screen was higher.

    I'm curious how big the speakers are - I also would not be too sure that the part would be durable enough to withstand a slide out keyboard/speaker combo.
  • Randomblame - Saturday, November 13, 2010 - link

    if only it ran windows mobile 6.5 and that slide out was a keyboard. That would be the updated rhodium aka touch pro 3 I would buy.
  • Snotling - Saturday, November 13, 2010 - link

    come on now... win mobile? What else Windows XP forever? Do you Miss Pentium CPUs? Still playing Starcraft 1?
  • aebiv - Monday, November 15, 2010 - link

    No, some of us aren't wow'd by the fact with WP7 you LOSE functionality vs WM6.5.

    Quit being a tool.
  • Nataku - Monday, November 15, 2010 - link

    well... legacy is a blessing and a curse, thats all that can be said for winmo6.5...

    im actually glad win phone 7 gets a fresh start, at least nothing to drag it's feet
  • a12e - Saturday, November 13, 2010 - link

    only has 8 GB of integrated NAND, I believe, not 16.
  • softdrinkviking - Saturday, November 13, 2010 - link

    i can't find that mistake. on pg 2, it says 512MB of integrated NAND, and a 16GB microSD card.
  • a12e - Saturday, November 13, 2010 - link

    In the spec comparison table at the bottom of the first page for the Samsung Focus.
    I wish it had 16GB... then I'd have an extra 8GB right now. :)

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