OCZ ModXStream - 780W


OCZ sent their ModXStream 780W power supply. It has modular cables to help with cable management. The housing comes in black and as the picture shows fingerprints are easily visible. The exhaust at the back is quite open and allows for good airflow. The 120mm fan is installed on the bottom of the unit. Everything comes packed in a very small box, with the standard accessories like screws, a power cord, and the user manual.

The label shows 20A for each of the four 12V rails and a combined power of up to 755W. As we saw on the Amacrox power supply, the ModXStream also contains a table with 12V distributions for the different connectors. OCZ made some changes here and places one ATX connector on 12V1; a PCI-E connector and the second CPU rail are on 12V2. The peripherals are on 12V3, and the main graphics card gets 12V4.


Cables and Connectors

All the cables are sleeved and the cable management system allows the user to detach cables that aren't needed. The sockets on the PSU have different pin-outs so the user can't attach the harnesses to the wrong jack. Like the 730W/770W Hiper, the ModXStream is a little short on connectors for a 780W unit. It only has four Molex and six SATA connectors.

The internals are nice and clean, like we saw on another unit. The ModXStream looks a little empty inside because of the enormous housing length; the extra length is unnecessary and actually makes the ModXStream unable to fit in certain cases. There's also enough space on the sides for eddies to occur in the airflow. The temperature results of the heatsinks during testing confirm this, as we measured up to 90°C at the middle heatsink. With a 50°C exhaust temperature, clearly the airflow isn't working properly.

Hiper 4M880 and 5X880 Seasonic X900
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  • Christoph Katzer - Friday, November 23, 2007 - link

    The arrangement will be changed next time ;)
    What about the amount of PSUs? Too many?
  • strikeback03 - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - link

    I like the voltage vs. load charts used previously better than the bar charts. Obviously impractical with a 10 PSU roundup, but I hope they come back for smaller articles.

    Would it at least be possible to keep a consistent order to the PSUs, instead of sorting by output voltage? On the 3.3V charts on page 4 for example, it's confusing to have the Hiper 730 at the bottom of the 20% chart then the top of the 50% chart.
  • Dayneaw - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - link

    The first graph on page six seems to be missing the results of the silverstone.
  • rickon66 - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - link

    I love it when folks complain without even reading the review.
    "Maybe you just forgot to upload the final page?"
    Maybe you just forgot to read the review!!

    Anyway-Good job on the review.
  • Talcite - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - link

    Good job guys, the o-scope readings/explanations are particularly nice =D.
  • SOLIDNecro - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - link

    No "Final thoughts" or "Conclusions"???

    A summary report is one of the most important, if not most important part of any article, to leave it completely up to the reader to draw conclusions based on charts requires to much time and expertise for your average reader!

    Also your "Editors" choice awards are invaluable, you guys are the "Pro's" and should be able to guide the reader to what you would purchase for your own rig, and why it stood out from the rest of the pack

    Maybe you just forgot to upload the final page?

  • JEDIYoda - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - link

    So whats so hard about making your own conclusion and thinking a little bit?

    Editor`s awards are bogus!

    Grow up dude!
  • JEDIYoda - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - link

    Editor choice rewards awards are bogus!
    You can read and comprehend - can`t you?

    Make up your own mind!
  • Christoph Katzer - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - link

    Just check the new arrangement. I wrote the comparison first and if somebody is interested to know more about a product he/she can check details after. The conclusion is on page 8.
  • ChronoReverse - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - link

    I find it rather confusing that way. I also thought that there was no conclusion until I read the comments.

    That said, I do usually read the conclusion first. Perhaps it should go back to the end and then a short abstract placed in the front?

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